Flies are pests with high public health significance. In addition, they are also nuisance pests frequenting garbage, dead animals and decomposing organic matter.

Interestingly, their larvae live and develop in organic material. Once emerged, adults fly out to nearby structures and move indoors through open doors and windows, attracted by food, warmth and moisture.

How to solve housefly problem?

Entohygiene can help you to apply the control methods. An effective treatment to reduce flying insect population to a very minimal volume

Control Method of Flying Insect

ULV Misting

Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) applications is best for treating large outdoor as well as indoor sites. The action is quick and most suitable in outbreak situations.

insect light trap house fly

Fly Control Light Trap

Ultra-violet (UV) light traps are very effective in attracting adult houseflies. Light traps usually used for indoor fly control.

Residential Spray

Residual insecticide are sprayed on regular surfaces will kill flies when they are seeking rest. This method is used in all types of infestation situations.

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